Fifth wheels are more spacious and stable than other towable RVs, and they are often the first choice of both seasoned veterans and beginner RVers. If you have recently purchased a fifth wheel and plan to travel with your camper, ensure you learn how to park it before hitting the road. Operating a towable RV can be challenging, and you want to have all your bases covered before departure.
Here are a few strategies to help you park your fifth wheel safely and quickly. Read on to learn more, and for more information, contact Leisure Nation RV.
Choose the Perfect Spot
First, you want to select an ideal spot for parking your fifth wheel. Ensure the place has sufficient room for backing up your towing setup (towing vehicle and fifth wheel) and is free of any obstacles like trees. If possible, choose a location with easy access to essential facilities, such as water, electricity, and sewer connections.
Back Up Slowly
Once you’ve found the right spot, you can start backing up your fifth wheel into position. Essentially, you want the back of your camper lined up with where it needs to be parked. Remember, your RV will move in the opposite direction of your steering wheel. So, plan your moves and back up slowly.
Avoid rushing to park your RV quickly. Instead, prepare to spend extra time. If you don’t find your towing setup in the position you aimed for, stop immediately and move forward. You want to pause for some time, then start backing up again.
Level Your Fifth Wheel
Now that you’ve parked your camper, you want to level it properly to ensure it remains steady until you are ready to move out.
You want to place leveling blocks underneath each tire to ensure your fifth wheel is stable in its landing spot, then connect any utilities as needed. You also want to block your wheels by using chocks to prevent them from moving, and then uncouple your towing setup and disengage your towing vehicle from your camper.
We hope this guide helps you park your fifth wheel safely. If you have more questions or are still looking for a fifth wheel camper, visit Leisure Nation RV. You’ll find us in Oklahoma City, OK, happily welcoming our friends from Mobile and Grand Bay—so reach out today.